HTC Requests for Proposals
The Hattiesburg Tourism Commission (dba VisitHATTIESBURG) intends to contract with qualified agencies to support its continued recovery efforts, stemming from the negative economic impacts of COVID-19.
These contracts will be funded through federal ARPA II dollars for Mississippi Tourism Recovery, III. As such, preference will be given to companies with offices in Mississippi or who employ Mississippi residents.
These procurement opportunities in no way commit VisitHATTIESBURG to award a contract, to pay any costs in preparation of a proposal, or to contract for the goods and/or services offered. Although it is VisitHATTIESBURG’s intent to contract with the person/company that best meets the qualifications to complete the scope of work, VisitHATTIESBURG may terminate the negotiations if they are unsuccessful in reaching an agreement on all matters including the scope of work and cost.
Open Procurement Opportunities
Interested agencies may download open procurement opportunities below or apply at the MS Procurement Technical Assistance Program (MPTAP) Procurement Opportunity Database. Agencies are welcome to respond to multiple requests; however, a separate Intent to Bid Form should be returned for each RFP/RFQ on or before 5:00 p.m. CST on OCTOBER 4, 2024.

Supplemental Documentation
Each RFP/RFQ requests specific documentation to be returned with the proposal. These documents may be downloaded below.
- Intent to Bid (Only Destination Market Analysis and Strategic Plan needs to complete.)
- Official Contact
- Certification Statement
- References
- EXAMPLE – Standard Contract with Supplemental Terms & Conditions (for reference only)
Note that all answers regarding questions and requests for clarification for these RFP/Qs will be responded to publicly consistent with the published schedule to ensure that all respondents have the same information. Email Paige Robertson, Director of Communications, with any questions by Sept. 23, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. CST. All questions will be answered publicly on Sept. 24, 2024. No calls, please.
Please see the answers to all questions for this round of RFP's here
Closed ARPA Procurement
- RFP – Advertising Agency Services (March 2023)
- RFP – Public Relations Agency Services (March 2023)
- RFP – Digital Media Services (March 2023)
- RFQ – Website Design & Maintenance Services (March 2023)
- Q&A for above RFPs & RFQ (Feb. 2023)
- RFQ – Digital Content Creation (Oct. 2023)
- RFP – Economic Impact Study & Monitoring
- RFB – Email Management Tool
- RFB – Public Relations Management & Monitoring Tool